Wednesday 2 January 2013

That teenager who loves writing

There was once a teenager, who used to love writing a diary.She wrote in her diary EVERY SINGLE DAY. She poured out all her emotion in her diary. Her diary is her best friend. Not only that, her love in writing expanded to writing love stories (she can be emotional and 'minah bunga' at times).

Why does she loves diary writing?
1. Because she believes, she needs to record EVERY SINGLE detail of memorable event s that happened in her life journey.
2. Because she seldom have trust in people, except for her MAMA and her very best friends (maybe only 1-2--whom she gain 100% of trust--through different tests and assessments hihi)

However, as this teenager grew and grew, the lust in writing diary has somehow vanished into thin air. 'PUFF'. 

There's no more 'Dear Diary'

There's no more recording memorable events

After the many years, and the IT has become increasingly developed with a lot of means to write, this teenager--turn woman---started to write again. This time by starting a FOTOPAGES  for her baby princess :). She enjoyed and love her fotopages. She shared lots of pictures, and milestone of her daughter. She also gained lots of friends (virtual friends who lasts till now:)). 

However, as the technology moves too fast, fotopages was no longer popular. There came BLOGS, FACEBOOKS and TWITTER. This has frustrated her, as people no more tend to visit fotopages but more keen to be on those mediums. 

So she switched to FACEBOOK which doesnt really require writing so much :)She began to adjust with its feature and eventually LOVING it. Anyhow without realising, FACEBOOK has strayed her from her love in writing.

A lot of times, she thinks about bringing back 'that teenager' and starting to write again. She thinks about BLOGGING and the fun in it. 

But on what? 

On her life? 

On her daughter? 

On shopping? hehe

Well..those would be quite boring. Friends can easily access those infos on her FACEBOOK, and the woman does not really like to repeat or prolong stories she shares on facebook in her blog. 

Then there were  voices from few people suggested that the woman write about her work in UK's school and Autism teaching that she does.

TING ! TING! It is such a BRILLIANT IDEA..!!!!!!

Only by thinking of it, the woman has lots of things tow rite,and a lot of things to share. Her writing would not only benefits some people, but could also bring some exposure on how UK school is --- how do the teacher teach them, how do they learn to become so confident, how do they being assess, how is autism in UK school? is there any intervention? how is special need school in UK? Is there any rotan-rotan 'thingy' in UK school? how? what?when? all sorts of questions will come to people's mind. And presuming would be lovely to read and being expose with some knowledge about these things:)

But when should the woman start to BLOG??

Debating with herself and unsur 'M' :)..the idea remains idea UNTIL...

The woman finally creates a BLOG by the name of ......


This blog is not actually a 2013' resolution as it has been in the woman's mind for quite sometime.

The woman hopes she can share how she works in UK school, and mainly how she taught autistic children in school. With this small effort, hopefully people would find this blog helpful :)

So  the woman can now say, The semangat 'teenager' sudah datang kembali :) dan harapnya tidak hilang lagi :)


  1. good job..can't wait for more info..tqvm

  2. thanks for your support dear. alhamdulillah if u find it useful:)

  3. please keep on writing :)) *found this blog from FB autisme malaysia

  4. With all GOD's will :) Thanks for your support :)

  5. Congratulations Hazira. Very very enlightening, an eye-opener on what it takes to be an autism educator. Very very helpful insights for parents & teachers. Semuga Allah murahkan rezeki dengan memberikan idea2 & guidance untuk terus berkarya. Aamiin. Thank You

  6. Thanks for your everlasting support kak :)

  7. Congrats Zie..very informative and inspiring ..Thank you for sharing your experience...Semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan dan dapat berkongsi ilmu2 untuk kebaikan semua..
    well done dear....luv it so much
